Silver Britannia Coin

Product Description:

For around 2000 years the Britannia has stood for Britain, demonstrating the spirit of the British Isles. Since Roman times Britannia has stood for the symbol of Britain, representing Britain in the female form. She first appeared on coins dating back to the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In 1672 Charles II revived her presence on Coins In 1987 we honoured Britannia with a new premium coin, sister to the Sovereign.

The Silver Britannia has been released since 1997. 2013 saw Britannia enter a new era; Proof Coins will now champion the best British Artists with a new design each year. Not only will these Coins the best of British they are now struck in the finest .999 of fine silver. The silver bullion coins will still feature the iconic Britannia standing design.

The Britannia silver bullion coin of .999 fine silver is a must have for anyone. The Silver Bullion Britannia is manufactured by one of the world’s oldest organizations. The Royal Mint has been established for over 1,000 years. Making coins for Britain and over 100 other countries you can be assured of unrivalled heritage, authenticity and accuracy.

* Pictures are an indication only, price of bars are applicable for dates of our choice

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